
  • My Soul Return

    My Soul Return

    Rediscovering my poetic voice and challenging conventional ideas of success. Lets increase gratitude and self-compassion.

  • It is time… to push my book in your face

    It is time… to push my book in your face

    Daily poem, a mental health retreat, and personal insights. Lets emphasize balance and self-care, self-expression and…

  • Musings Death

    Musings Death

    The content reflects on the struggle of finding the right time and balance to create. It…

  • A World of Mirrors Dark

    A World of Mirrors Dark

    The mirrors of the world I seeThey call and cryThey break and bleed The mirrors of…

  • 972 Days Later

    972 Days Later

    I am 34. A man. Still hovering right around 250 lbs. I am married. I am…

  • Comfy Needs Some Branding

    Simple update to my progress as a creative thinker and step dad.

  • Dad’s play games

    Why are dads not hanging out and playing games. Why is that only something you do…

  • Second draft, first chapter.

    Infinity Realm, a new novel being written as we read by Mario Velez, aka comfy man.

  • Children Can’t Write

    With everything you have to handle on life, sometimes a firm hand is all you need…

  • I need an editor

    I know the stories good but I’ll never be able to tell what’s missing. Maybe you…