It is time… to push my book in your face

I am going to be posting a poem every day from my poetry collection book cause I like it people like hearing me read it so that will be fun to have and also lots of great times to make ahead of me. You’ll see me travelling from my home town in Houston to my new home in Battle Creek as I am currently enjoying a nice little mental health retreat from being an at home dad.
Super fun, love my life, plenty more where that came from, here’s a clip!

Why now?

Well I’ve done this before but before I was trying to be everywhere at once with the social links and I just can’t do that all the time. But I can do one a day. and I can write on the blog while I do it and post the toks while I update everyone on my life and it’s goings on.

Not only that but I had two very fun, very motivating, and honestly flattering comments on my recent post.

“The new sleepy time voice: Comfy-man himself!”

– Josh (friend)

“The guy at the end of time writing our story”

– Unholy

Aren’t these just awesome? I love them. They make me feel like I have something to give like some people actually like the stuff I do and make and whatnot. I’m hoping more and more will show and who knows maybe this whole health break will allow me to balance myself better as I suggested all people do in my last blog-post. Nothing kills the Muse like a lack of balance or crunch work.

I feel like maybe I should write one tomorrow about how I’ve been this whole month. Deciding to visit home is not always for fantastically optimistic reasons. Sometimes it’s a decision you come to after hitting a brick wall. If you don’t grab a hold of your inner most self. the part of you that needs love, nurturing, and expression you could end up dying well before it is necessary.

I’ve heard plenty of people damn others. calling them sensitive types only usually they say something more to do with sexual orientation. That is only one aspect of a persons being. Usually reserved for those who bring out the most sensual side of a person. That’s a whole other topic. Or citing that they are an “Other” kind of person for whatever variety seems to make the most sense to them.

This is a way to make themselves feel fine not doing the work behind chilling the fuck out. It’s really important to do that. And not just on the outside with beer, weed, prayer, or any other type of checklist. It’s done by not doing shit. By sitting down and breathing. A thing I spoke about in length in my “Just a Flower” podcast which has not been ongoing for a few months cause I’ve overwhelmed myself with at home projects and homemaking to the point of losing it.

Thank god I have a wife and family that give a shit about me or I might have ended up self destructing. Not completely but to the point where my life would have been unrecognizable to me in less than a month. They make up for all the patience I’ve not kept up in my own being.

And look at that. I’ve already shared more than I intended to. More than I thought I would feel like sharing. Blogging really do scratch the itch. Don’t mind the calendar. Gift from the misses.

If you’re all the way down here and you’re looking for a link to my book still here it is!

114 Quixotic Visions


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